About LCA
History of LCA
Established in 1967 as Lynchburg Christian Academy, the school developed as a ministry of Thomas Road Baptist Church to provide Christian education to children in central Virginia. The Academy, founded by Dr. Jerry Falwell, became a fully accredited institution, standing as a viable educational choice for parents who desired to have their children taught a Christian worldview from a Bible-based curriculum.
LCA was originally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) in 1995. Currently recognized as an accredited institution by the Commonwealth of Virginia, regionally accredited by Cognia (formerly SACS/AdvancEd), and accredited by ACSI, LCA has an acknowledged history of academic excellence.
Lynchburg Christian Academy was housed at the original Thomas Road Baptist Church location for 38 years. Upon completion of a new campus, the school moved in August 2005 to its present site adjacent to Liberty University. With the move, the school name was changed to Liberty Christian Academy to support Dr. Falwell’s dream that envisioned a total educational program under the Liberty banner for students from pre-school through a graduate university.
Strategic Plan
Scripture encourages Christians to carefully plan, commit our ways to the Lord, and depend on God to help us accomplish our goals.
This strategic planning document reflects the plans of the Liberty Christian Academy Head of Schools and School Board over the next five years.
After prayer, reflection, and discussion, we have formulated eight goals, each having specific objectives. We have set the bar high and desire to meet these significant accomplishments. We also realize that we desperately need God’s help otherwise we labor in vain. We seek to be faithful stewards of the school God has entrusted to us, Liberty Christian Academy.
We are committed to remaining faithful to our mission, vision, and core values. We anticipate the many amazing things we will see God accomplish through our graduates in the years to come.
Benny the Bulldog
Benny The Bulldog is the official mascot for LCA!

Benny was born right here in Lynchburg on October 9th, 2009. His first appearance at LCA was at the age of nearly one year old. Benny’s first game was an away game when LCA visited the Amherst Lancers and came home victorious. He went on to appear at every game from then on until homecoming.
Ralph Waldo BigBull, Benny’s great, great, great, great grandfather, whom he was named after, also had some field time cheering for the “Dawgs” in the early 1980s at LCA. Ralph was a regular show-off at LCA events until his passing in 1985 of old age. As far as we know, since Ralph’s passing there has never “officially” been a live bulldog mascot re-named to the school. We had the pleasure of Dr. Patterson naming our Benny as the official mascot of LCA.
Benny the Bulldog can be seen before and after games and will be happy to put up a paw for a high-five or pose with your family for pictures. We do ask that as much as possible, all photo opportunities would take place a distance from the athletic activities out of respect for the coaches and team. During the games, Benny will be cheering for his team on the sidelines, out of the way of the Marching Band, cheerleaders, and football team.
As much as we love dogs, we ask that you not bring your dog or pet to the games or events. Benny is the only dog that has pre-approved permission. Please do not cost us all the privilege of having our mascot to cheer us on.
Portrait of an LCA Graduate
- Know God Deeply
- Fear and respect God
- Desire Godly company
- Be a Godly example to others
- Trust in God’s word
- Involvement in the local church
- Community Service
- Biblical Stewardship
- Develop an external perspective and work ethic based on Colossians 3:23
- Intellectual Achievement
- Desire and respect a rigorous intellectual development path within the context of how God wired them
- Whole Person Development (Luke 2:52)
- Well-rounded student that begins to recognize their God-given potential
- Strong College Preparative Foundation
- Demonstrate a strong liberal arts education characterized by proven writing, mathematical thinking, synthesis skills, and mastery of academic objectives
- Christ-Centered Worldview
- To have a “big picture perspective” that they are part of God’s plan to reach others by demonstrating the love and attitude of Christ to all people
Liberty Christian Academy names longtime teacher, administrator Jeffrey Capps as Head of Schools
After 29 years as a teacher, administrator, and proponent of the mission of Liberty Christian Academy, Jeffrey Capps recently accepted a new role as the Academy’s head of schools. Capps has been serving as high school principal and assistant to the head of schools for the last three years.
“Jeff Capps is a faithful servant of God who has dedicated his life to the young people of LCA,” said Greg Dowell, chairman of the LCA Board of Trustees. “He will make an excellent head of schools, providing steady leadership and bringing not only decades of institutional knowledge but also a renewed commitment to excellence. The board stands together in solidarity, eager to collaborate and build a brighter future for our LCA community.”
Capps was raised in Lynchburg, Va., and is a graduate of LCA. He began teaching at LCA in 1995. He has since served in various capacities, including head and assistant coach for multiple sports, high school dean of students, director of athletics, director of transportation, upper school assistant principal, and middle school principal. He also spent five years as an adjunct professor in Liberty University’s School of Education. Capps holds a Master of Education in Administration and Supervision and a Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education from Liberty. He is scheduled to complete his Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership through Liberty this summer.
“Jeff Capps has been a special member of the Liberty University, Thomas Road Baptist Church, and Liberty Christian Academy families,” said the Rev. Jonathan Falwell, Chancellor of Liberty University, senior pastor of TRBC, and a member of the LCA Board of Trustees. “He has always been sincere in merging his personal faith with his professional career and viewing his job as a true calling. We congratulate him on his new role.”
Capps’ family has a legacy at LCA: his mother, Janet, taught a variety of grades including kindergarten, fourth, fifth, and seventh, over the course of 27 years; his brother Jonathan has served as a teacher and assistant superintendent; and his wife, Cindy, has taught home economics.
“The Liberty family is excited for Mr. Capps to continue with us as head of schools,” said Liberty University President Dondi Costin. “God has blessed him with the talents, heart, and passion to teach our youth and help ground them in a strong Bible-based foundation for life. We are grateful for Mr. Capps’ dedication and to our entire LCA team who are leading the way in Christian education.”
Capps said he is excited to serve the children and families of LCA as head of schools.
“I can see God’s hand in each step of my educational and professional journey in preparing me for where He would have me serve Him today. My desire is for God to use me to point others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and the classroom, athletic field, and office are vehicles to achieve this goal. I believe wholeheartedly in the mission and vision of Liberty Christian Academy, Thomas Road Baptist Church, and Liberty University in partnering with parents and helping students realize their God-given potential.”

LCA Mission Statement
Liberty Christian Academy exists to support parents and guardians in their Biblical responsibility
to nurture and train their children. Thus, LCA provides opportunities which allow students to
realize their God-given potential and to live lives that glorify God in the spiritual, academic,
social, physical and vocational realms.
LCA Vision Statement
Liberty Christian Academy seeks to lead students to faith in Jesus Christ and to develop young
men and women who adhere to a Christian worldview, prepared to participate as Godly
members of home, church, and society.
LCA Core Values
- Commitment to Scripture
- Culture of Prayer
- Lifestyle of Worship
- Connection to Community
- Heart of Serving
- Passion for Excellence
Find out what’s special at LCA
Early Learning Center
Read the ELC School Profile
Elementary School
Read the Elementary School Profile
Middle & High School
Read the Middle School Profile or the High School Profile