Academy Relations
Thanks for visiting us! We would like to welcome you to Liberty Christian Academy. The Office of Academy Relations is here to support you & If you are new to our school, we want to make your transition as easy as possible. Those in our community view our office as the “one-stop shop” where you can get everything you need about LCA. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have!

Amy Saylor
Director of Academy Relations
Liberty Christian Academy
Student Accounts
Welcome to the Office of Student Accounts. Our team manages the tuition accounts for all students LCA’s campus. Liberty Christian Academy is very much God’s school, and we have seen that through His numerous blessings with our facilities, enrollment, staffing, and leadership!
Because the operation of our school relies on our stewardship, we take our responsibilities seriously. We are responsible for reviewing and collecting on accounts daily. We communicate with our families via email, phone and invoicing.
Parents are always welcome to stop by our offices with any questions about their accounts, an invoice, or even a question unrelated to finance!

Nicole Muntslag
Director of Enrollment
Manager- Office of Student Accounts
Office of Student Accounts: 434-832-2014
Office Hours
School Year
7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Summer Hours
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
Nurse’s Office
We are here to assist your child as needed for illness, injuries, or however else we are able to help. From time to time, we will send on information from our office that we feel will be useful to you and your family
If you have questions, or if we can be of assistance, please feel free to contact us at 434-832-2011.
Jessica Hunter, RN & Jordan Slade, RN
LCA Nurses
Parents of All New LCA Students…
The following forms will need to be on file in the Nurse’s Office in order for your child to begin attending classes.
For students coming from outside of the state of Virginia, home-school situation, or entering Kindergarten for the first time:
- Commonwealth of Virginia School Entrance Health Form, completed by a doctor in the United States of America
For students coming from another Virginia school:
- LCA School Health Form
- Current Immunization Record from your doctor/health department
Nursing Forms
Medicine Request Form – Inhaler 2019
Welcome to the Liberty Christian Academy Security Office. Our primary focus is the safety of our students and staff as well as the security of our LCA campus. Two full-time positions make up the security team; a front desk receptionist and a campus resource officer.
As part of the secretarial staff, our front desk receptionist handles a variety of duties. First and foremost, this desk is responsible for welcoming guests and visitors to LCA. This allows the receptionist to help monitor security by signing people in and finding out their purpose for being on our campus. When a visitor arrives at our main entrance, a photo is taken and each visitor is issued a pass to be worn for the duration of that visit.
The receptionist also operates the school’s main switch board and performs occasional clerical duties for the Office of Academy Relations. Scheduled tours begin at the front desk and all guests check in here between the hours of 8:20 a.m. and 3 p.m. All doors at LCA are locked during school hours, so the only access to our campus during the day is though the main entrance.
The school resource officer is also located in the Security Office. The officer is associated with Liberty University Police Department but also works on the LCA campus on a full-time basis, Monday through Friday, during the school year. This position is responsible for monitoring traffic in the morning for student drop off and again in the afternoon when students are dismissed.
The school resource officer helps to keep our parking lots safe and secure and also monitors the students in the hallways during transition times between classes and during the lunch shifts. This officer assists our Deans of Discipline with disciplinary issues as needed, but primarily handles any criminal activity that might be detected on the campus. Additionally, the resource officer attends the LCA home sports games and supervises security in those settings.
We are blessed to serve you and look forward to seeing you on your next visit to LCA.