Traffic Flow, Bus Route, and Parking

Traffic Flow at LCA

Follow the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up directions below. Directions were emailed to parents.

LCA Bus Route

A bus registration form will need to be completed for each student riding the bus.

Bedford Route – AM

  • Walmart near Wendy’s (Zone 2)​
  • Parking lot of the ice cream stand next to Goode Post Office (Zone 2)​
  • Forest Square Shopping Center (Zone 1)​
  • Traffic Circle at Wyndhurst Dr. (Zone 1)​
  • Cornerstone Traffic Circle (Zone 1)

Bedford Route – PM

  • Cornerstone Dr. traffic circle by flagpole (Zone 1)
  • Wyndhurst Traffic Circle (Zone 1)
  • Forest Square Shopping Center (Zone 1)
  • Brookhill Wesleyan Church (Zone 2)
  • Bedford Walmart near Wendy’s (Zone 2)
  • Parking lot beside Owen’s Market (Zone 2)

Parking Decals

All student drivers are expected to park in PTR 5 and PTR 6. (View parking map) All students who use the PTR 5 and 6 parking lots must have an LCA parking decal. Any car without the appropriate decal will be subject to tow.

Register Your Vehicle

  1. Purchase your decal online.
  2. Visit the switchboard to pick up your decal to stick to the windshield of your car. Each student driving a vehicle to school will be assessed a parking fee of $35.00 ($17.50 for the second semester only) for the first vehicle that they register and $5.00 for each additional vehicle.