LCA Academics
Liberty Christian Academy Schools
Liberty Christian Academy (LCA) supports parents and guardians in their biblical responsibility to nurture and train their children. LCA provides opportunities for students to realize their God-given potential and live lives that glorify God in the spiritual, academic, social, physical, and vocational realms.
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Early Learning Center
The LCA Early Learning Center utilizes the Creative Curriculum for Preschool from Teaching Strategies. This hands-on, active learning curriculum is project-based, addressing intellectual goals, dispositions, and habits of mind including initiative, motivation, self-regulation, problem-solving, and social competency.
Learn more about the Early Learning Center
Elementary School
Our elementary students are provided with an academically challenging program that enhances creativity, encourages critical thinking, and promotes problem solving.
Learn more about LCA’s Elementary School
Middle School
Middle school students at LCA have a full range of academic, extra-curricular, and co-curricular opportunities that promote life-long learning.
Learn more about LCA’s Middle School
High School
LCA is dedicated to maintaining high academic standards within the framework of a comprehensive, bible-based academic program. The school believes in and is dedicated to preparing young people to be able to serve Christ in all areas of life.
Learn more about LCA’s High School
We want to take the opportunity to share with you our process for selecting course materials. LCA has developed our own standards, which are evaluated on an ongoing basis by a committee of teachers and administrators. We look at state and national standards, as well our testing data to ensure that our standards are thorough and provide students with all the content and skills they need to be successful, all the while reflecting our Christian worldview and our commitment to Biblical integration.
Because of the effort we invest in the development of our standards, we are not textbook or technology-driven. Our teachers use a variety of resources to teach our standards. Textbooks and technology will never replace engaging instruction. Instead, they merely act as a tool to increase classroom engagement. We adopt each textbook for each class based on its individual merits, and as a result, we have textbooks from many different publishers. We neither accept nor dismiss a textbook based on its alignment with state or national standards, but rather evaluate our books on an individual basis. We consider many factors when choosing our curriculum including readability, the alignment to our standards, worldview, and how well it lends itself to higher-order thinking.
Most textbooks are aligned with either Virginia SOLs, or Common Core. This simply means that using this particular book will meet our objectives as well as others. Please be assured that LCA has not adopted either the Virginia Standards of Learning or Common Core standards. We write our own standards, which provides the foundation and driving forces of our curriculum choices. Any textbook or resource that we use is simply a tool our teachers use to support our standards.
We are committed to strong academic standards through a Biblical framework. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to partner with you.

Dr. Amy Love
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Liberty Christian Academy