Early Learning Center
Read the LCA Early Learning Center Profile for an overview of class size, curriculum, and spiritual development!
The ELC Mission Statement
The Liberty Christian Academy Early Learning Center exists to support parents and guardians in their Biblical responsibility to nurture and train their children. Thus, the Early Learning Center provides a secure, loving, Christ-centered environment focused on meeting each child’s social, academic, physical, and spiritual needs within an active learning environment.
The ELC is located on the North Campus of Liberty University, just behind Thomas Road Baptist Church. Large, well-equipped classrooms as well as exciting indoor and outdoor play lands invite children to learn.
Why the LCA Early Learning Center?
The following are some nuggets of information that describe who we are and what you can expect if you choose to partner with us in the education of your young child.
- The LCA Early Learning Center utilizes the Creative Curriculum for Preschool from Teaching Strategies. This hands-on, active learning curriculum is project-based, addressing intellectual goals, dispositions, and habits of mind including initiative, motivation, self-regulation, problem-solving, and social competency.
- Academic tasks within our literacy-rich environment include emergent literacy and numeracy skills as well as scientific inquiry. Authentic methods such as projects or studies, encouraging developing literacy skills, and the directed literacy approach of the Letterland curriculum are integrated into the program daily.
- The ELC also utilizes the Teaching Strategies GOLD online assessment system to collect concrete evidence of learning to guide instruction, which also supports an online school-to-home connection.
- Music and Spanish are a part of the weekly curriculum and are taught by degreed specialists.
- The ELC Victory Garden offers an opportunity for each child to participate in the joys of gardening.
The Spiritual development of every student is of the highest importance at the Liberty Christian Academy Early Learning Center.
- Weekly Chapels are held with our campus pastor for our 4-year-old students.
- Every classroom experiences Biblical immersion through daily Bible instruction and the integration of Biblical principles throughout the school day.
- Godly play is taught and encouraged using Jesus Christ as the example and utilizing a Christian language system rooted deeply in Biblical scripture.
As Jerome Berryman describes, “Wisdom, herself, is interpreted as being a child playing delightfully before God…so that our creative nature and our playful wisdom are bound together.” In this way, the Liberty Christian Academy ELC attempts to plant the seeds of God’s word in the hearts of every ELC student.