Spiritual Life

LCA Campus Pastor Andy Lawrenson
Before joining the staff at LCA, Andy Lawrenson served on staff at Nags Head Church in Nags Head, NC for 20 years. He led student ministry, mission trips, and ministry teams. Andy is a former bulldog – in fact, he was the bulldog mascot back in his high school days. Andy got his undergraduate degree in Theology, a Master’s degree in Ministry Leadership, and he has over thirty years of experience working with students.
Andy loves speaking to students and sharing jokes and life stories at many conferences and summer camps. He has written articles for various online student ministry organizations and has created networks for student pastors so they can talk about student ministry with one another.
Andy met his wife Misha at Liberty University, and they have been married for over 30 years. They have three children, Ty and twins Ava and Eli.
A self-proclaimed “foodie”, Andy enjoys cooking and trying out new restaurants. He also enjoys watching baseball games and turkey hunting, as well as spending time with his family and cooking for friends.
Chapel Overview
Chapel is a deliberate and intentional element of our spiritual development plan that begins in PreK-4 and goes all the way through a student’s senior year. We understand that entering into a time of worship in the middle of a school day can be tough, but the goal of our weekly chapel is to provide students with an opportunity to focus their minds and hearts on their own spiritual lives and to engage in a corporate time of worship through music and teaching.
Early Learning Center
On Friday morning starting at 9:30 a.m., our Pre-K students share in a time of corporate worship followed by a dynamic presentation of God’s Word brought to the students by a variety of speakers throughout the year. Chapel is held in the Living Proof Room at TRBC each week. ELC teachers also find time later in their day to reinforce the principles of God’s Word that was taught in Chapel so that our students can learn to apply it to their lives.
Thursday mornings at 8:30 a.m., our Elementary chapel occurs (for our Kindergarten – 5th Grade students). The format is the same – a sweet time of worship filled with laughter followed by a dynamic and thought-provoking lesson from God’s Word. Chapel is essential for our students to learn how to worship as the body of Christ and to dig into God’s Word to find those pillars of biblical truth that will be the foundation for a life well-lived! View LCA Elementary Chapel online!
Middle and High School
Thursday mornings at 9:55 a.m. in the TRBC Worship Center you’ll find our Middle School & High School students gathering for their weekly Chapel. Led in worship by the LCA Praise & Worship Team, made up of their peers, our students not only enjoy a time of corporate worship, but also a time to be fed from the Word of God by a dynamic and thought-provoking speaker. View Middle and High School Virtual Chapel online!
Mobile Serve
LCA desires for its students to live out James 1:22 and James 2:17. Therefore, LCA has a Christian service requirement to graduate or be promoted to the next grade level. LCA accomplishes this by requiring students in grades 9 – 12 to perform a minimum of 20 hours of Christian service per year. Any student who has not completed these hours will not receive their transcripts until the hours are completed. Christian service hours will be submitted through the “MobileServe” website or App.
Christian service hours are due by the First Friday in May. Students who earn 25 hours of Christian service for each year in high school earn a silver cord to be worn for graduation. Christian service hours submitted after the second Friday in May will only count toward the 20-hour graduation requirement.
Please “Review the getting started” document for instructions on how to set up a Mobile Serve account and the organization code for each high school grade level. Hours completed for following school year can be recorded starting the first week of June each school year.
For questions, please contact Joyce Simmons at jjsimmons@liberty.edu.
Watch Chapel Videos
(To view Chapels, visit our full LCA Chapel Vimeo page.)